Green View Magazine | December 2019

27 GREEN VIEW MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2019 needed, we are years away from the amount of research that we need. In the meantime, we can do a much better job of using the data we have to better inform and guide doctors on how and when to prescribe medical marijuana. In the application of medical cannabis treatments, it is imperative that these treatments do not interfere with a patient’s current medication regimen. Cannabics’ database can offer guidance to help ensure that medications do not hamper existing treatments. The company’s research and development is based in Israel, where it is licensed by the Ministry of Health to conduct scientific and clinical research on cannabinoid formulations and cancer.” GVM: The quest for cancer treatments is a universal goal. However, the cannabis industry is not always well received, with many countries and U.S. states still declaring it illegal. How is Israel unique from the U.S. – from government regulations to security to social responsibility and what do you find are the biggest challenges in today’s business environment? CNBX: “Due to the Schedule 1 nature of cannabis GVM: Could you give us some background on your company and an overview of your niche in the U.S. and global cannabis industries? CNBX: “Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a U.S. public company developing a platform that leverages novel drug-screening tools and artificial intelligence to create cannabinoid-based therapies for cancer that are more precise to a patient’s profile. By developing tools to assess effectiveness on a personalized basis, Cannabics is helping to provide physicians with the insight they need to more effectively prescribe cannabis. Because cannabis remains illegal and classified as a Schedule 1 drug under federal law, there is an alarming lack of medical research in cannabis treatments. As such, doctors are prescribing blind when it comes to medical marijuana. Doctors have little to no data on what dosages are appropriate for specific conditions or what the contraindications are with other medications or health conditions. “While more research and clinical trials are